July 16


Monday, July 16      Worthington, MN  to  Mankato, MN        97.36 miles    27.4 Max     14.0 avg    6:49:07



I'm over at the library.  It was right across the street!


     I had a great time today.  I figured with nearly one hundred miles to ride today I would eat the scheduled breakfast to be sure I had enough fuel.  We who like to get an early start out were very pleased the hotel opened up our serving by 6:15 instead of the 6:30 posted time.  I knew it would be a good breakfast too, because last night's dinner was excellent.  I had pancakes, sausage, orange juice, peach muffin, cranberry juice, baked egg/ham/cheese casserole, honey dew melon, cantaloupe, milk and a big glass of water.  We cyclists eat a lot - but we work so hard out there and burn it all off and need more in just an hour or two later. 


It was blowing strong from the south and the clouds were rain clouds, so I packed the rain gear.  I really zipped along and was at the 30 mile first SAG stop in no time.  It is fun going along these old highways here in Minnesota.  There is a "town" every seven to ten miles.  The town is basically a grain elevator with the railroad tracks running next to it.  Mary Ann and I left the SAG stop together and we rode with each other the last 67 miles.  The road surfaces were bad in some places with deep ridges in along the edge of the pavement.  I call them 'buggy ruts' because that is what we encounter in the roads in the Amish country on bike rides in that area of Ohio.  We had to be extra careful.  There were times when we had a 15 mph tail wind.  That was super nice and we were rolling along making very good time.  At 71 miles we signed in at the SAG van and then headed for the Subway Shop for a sandwich to get us fueled for the last 24 miles in to Mankato.  Had some head winds the last few miles, but all in all it was a terrific ride.  I got in to the hotel by 2 PM, and I thought that was great timing for riding 97 miles today.  Jumped in the whirlpool, shower, and then walked across the street to the library.


     Just before I left the lobby, I was talking to Ed and he asked if I had heard about the accidents today.  Will, the teenager on the trip got into one of the road ruts and took a bad fall and is bruised up and being checked out at the ER. He'll be ok and will get scrapes bandaged.  But I really feel bad about Bev and Lee.  They were not too far behind me in the first part of the morning, but then I never saw them again - which is unusual because we often play a little hop scotch on the road.  I was told Bev too went into one of the ruts, fell - and her husband Lee was so close behind he ran into her and fell, dislocating his shoulder.  So he will have to leave the trip.  They are such a sweet couple and we always right next to each other every inch of the way.  So sadly they will have to return to California.  Please continue to pray for our safety.


     We will be shuttled to the eating place in a few minutes.  So for today, that is about all from Bicycle Boot Camp - summer 2001.  We had another near one hundred mile day tomorrow.  I was in bed by 7 PM last night and had lots of sleep for today's ride.  Dinner is later today, so I won't get that many hours tonight.




